Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

Here it is, the cusp of a new year. Damn I hope 2007 is better than 2006. Sure there were high points but there were also a lot of low and it's the low that made for a sucky year. Hopefully it's all behind me. It was a learning experience, hopefully I am stronger for all of and I and now I want to move on.

Everywhere you turn you hear about resolutions. Are you making them? What will they be? To me 'resolutions' seems a bit strong. It's things you resolve to do or achieve in the new year-because afterall it's a new start. Then as you go through the year and evaluate you find you've fallen short and as result feel like crap because you may have failed in a particular area.

I think about things I want to do or try in the new year but don't really consider them resolutions. That way if I don't attempt or attain any I don't feel quite so let down. So instead I make my mental list.

And just what is on that list for 2007? Of course there's the ever popular 'lose weight' but my angle is more of an 'eat better (cause I eat way too much crap) and try to at least start walking'. The really big one for me is to try to save some money. I spent way too much money. Seems I'm always 'going shopping' in form or fashion and I usually manage to justify to myself whatever I buy. Gotta stop that. I but too many scrapbook supplies and that has to slow down. But then, I did just get a gig teaching classes at a small store. Hopefully that will take off and at least pay for my 'obsession'. Wouldn't that be nice. What else? There are other things but for now I think I'll keep them to myself partially because the whole world doesn't need to know and partially because I haven't totally thought them all out! In time.

I do want to attempt some more photography in '07 . Just maybe I'll try to be more diligent about updating my blog since I actually started this in 2005, but didn't follow through. (Don't look for previous entries, I deleted them. I figure new year, fresh start.) So another 'goal', try to update this blog at least once a week. We'll see how that goes. I started one for Willy back in October and haven't updated it since Halloween-shame on me. Note to self: update Willy's catster page too.

Perhaps I will use this as one of my creative outlets. Check back you never know what you may find....scrapbook pages or projects I've completed or pictures I've taken. Or maybe just some discourse I've written.

Whatever it is, Happy New Year to you. Oh and drummer boy (and you know who you are) if you happen to read this, a special Happy New Year to you and don't be surprised by what you find your mail.....