February and March have been filled with um, ah, adventure. The honey hit the one year mark with Stevens on February 15, 2013, and had them route him to the yard ASAP after. Fortunately we didn't have long to wait. He was back in the state on 16th and he gave them a goodbye salute on the 20th. It was a quick trip to Dallas with nasty weather but I brought my honey home!
He was only home four times from February 2012 to February 2013 and even then very briefly. Finally he would be able to shower whenever he likes (and not have to pay for it) and eat a decent meal on a regular basis. And curl up in his own bed at night. Of course this also means we now learn to live with each other....24/7....well almost 24/7. Thankfully the adjustment hasn't been difficult. We're both independent people with various interests in addition to some shared interests. And no problems with the other going and doing. Perhaps a perfect relationship?
Armed with a new skill the honey got his tanker and hazmat endorsement and began his job search. Thankfully if wasn't too difficult or long. Granted there were a few times he felt frustrated but all has worked out. He is learning the routine and we are settling into one that works for us.
So why a squirrel?? During the downtime of the job hunt the honey was working around the house. He was busy clearning trees and weeds. And being a mountain man. Specifically hunting squirrel in OUR backyard. Much to my surprise, shock and um, horror--yeah horror, he killed a squirrel in the backyard and proceeded to skin it in my kitchen! Later that day we went to Barnes and Noble and upon finding the squireel pupet he decided he HAD TO HAVE IT (and I guarantee had he known the price before he got to the register he wouldn't have gotten it) but it was too late and now he is the proud owner of squirrel puppet he uses to taunt and remind me of his um animalistic side.....
I really have to got to stop letting him watch Duck Dynasty!