Sunday, November 27, 2011

Turkey Day

I fixed a traditional Thanksgiving dinner with one small adjustment-cornish game hens instead of a turkey or turkey breast. They actually turned out rather well though it will take more practice to 'master'. Portion wise they were perfect and no leftover turkey for days on end! Yep, my new holiday tradition.

Small Victories

While I have visions of having a completely organized homespace that is just not my reality. I have however managed to achieve a few small victories. The cleared off workspace--so now the honey can use the computer with ease after the obstacle course of getting to it. My dining room is more organized than it's been in some time--I can see the top of my bar and my Christmas tree is up! Yep, little victories.

Monday, November 21, 2011


to make order of this caos....

I've been off since Friday at 5p and I have basically wasted nearly three days. I say nearly three because it's still day three--but nearly 5pm. I have run some (local) errands today and did a little um, nothing and now--yes at nearly 5p--I dig into the task at hand. Clean this space--make it pretty and functional. Wish me luck! (Here's hoping the 'after' pictures are able to be posted sooner rather than later.)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Walk 2011

It's all over but the thank yous....and the decision about next year.....committee or no committee-depends on my girls......

Thursday, November 03, 2011

A Year.....already?

This weekend marks a year since the honey and I hiked up Enchanted Rock...ok, more like he pushed me up Enchanted Rock. It was a great weekend and a beautiful Sunday morning....and the first time he told me he loved me.

We talk often of a trip back....our schedules have just been so crazy there's not been time. He's had to work quite a few weekends and hasn't even gotten to hunt once---bow season opened October 1, and he spent that weekend with me celebrating my birthday. He's put in well over 40 hours every week since. Gun season opens this weekend and again he won't be huning. At least this weekend he doesn't have to work. He's looking forward to doing things he wants and then hanging out with me.

If all goes according to plan, he'll be here the 15th to head down to Lake Texana to hunt. After that Thanksgiving will be here and plans are to hea to the lease.

The days are just flying by......

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday Stroll

For once this month, the weekend agenda wasn't jam packed. Saturday was spent relaxing at home--granted there were things that needed attention and places I should have gone but I didn't do any of it. It was nice just hanging at home, watching old television (Designing Women reruns and other assorted things). The honey arrived and the agenda consisted of taking it easy. Seriously, the most strenous thing I did was cook dinner.

Sunday was wide open and I was perfectly content to hang at home with the honey lounging on the couch and watching football. He suggested poking around the antique shops in Rosenberg so off we went. It was fun seeind some of the old things I actually grew up with--and astonishing to see some of the prices....if I had all that old stuff! The honey loved looking at all the old tools. We had a yummy bite to eat at Another Time Soda Fountain and then headed for home and spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

What Happened to October??

Seriously-where'd it go? Wasn't it just the first of the month?--my birthday, TASFAA. It's been jam packed and it's already the 22nd! I still have many things to accomplish by month's end.....guess I need to organize and prioratize better.

Here's a shot from Discovery Camp last weekend:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Heard a Rumor.....

Heard a 'rumor' on the news last night that fall might actually show up this week....I sure hope so! I miss it.

MS Family Discovery Camp

The annual MS Family Discover Camp was held this past weekend at Camp For All in beautiful Burton, Texas. Friday afternoon I slipped out of the office a bit early and drove out to the country for the weekend adventure. I took only a handful of pictures this time as I was focused on the tasks I was to perform (helping with arts and crafts) and getting to meet and mingle with others living with MS. No zip line for me this time--I was kept rather busy with my assigned task and that was just fine.


For this year's state conference we were given an opportunity to sign up for text message updates so when I recived the initial email I thought what the heck and did it. Once the conference began and pitches were made to get everyone to sign up I heard apparently what I'd failed to read in the original email--sigh up for text message alerts and the chance to win an Ipod Touch. Thursday evening while enjoying the company of colleagues over food and music I received a text informing me I had won! A week later a shiny new Ipod was delivered to me at the office. Now I need to find a ten year old to teach me how to use it!

Monday, October 10, 2011

8 Years Later....

I miss you mom.....

Jackie Marie Shadden Ribnikar 7/6/22-10/11/03

Sunday, October 09, 2011


That is pretty much how I would describe the last week....worked Monday then pulled out Tuesday for TASFAA in Arlington-college roadtrip:

Celebrated my birthday on the road with colleagues/friends and then dinner with big bro and sis-in-law

Next up three days of Department of Education sessions loaded with enough information to make my brain want to implode.

Turn around twice and Saturday went racing by with a trip to the Sugar Land Farmers Market and lunch with the girls.

In the blink of an eye Sunday races by, consumed by a roadtrip (to Kingwood) to see the Oaks at Cracker Barrel (don't laugh, I've done crazier stuff---and no the honey didn't go)

And suddenly it's Sunday day with nothing (or very little)'s going to be another whirlwind week with work and various things needing attention, Painting With a Twist on Thursday night and then MS Camp next weekend and suddenly October is half over....

Monday, September 26, 2011

You Help is Needed......

Sadly, Caitlin's body couldn't take any more and in the early hours of the morning she slipped away leaving a loving family and friends in grief. Though she's gone the need for this family remains...please help in any way you can.

Happy Birthday to Me (early)...

I'd forgotten HSN has a 24 craft day scheduled today but I 'found' it while flipping channels this morning--because I was determined to not go back to sleep after the honey left. First I see Sandi Genovese hawking an 'exclusive' by her that frankly while cute, it's pretty basic and I could do myself. Next was Margie Aslett Romney for Bazzill selling adhesive--who know Bazzill did adhesive and I somehow doubt it's truly any different from tombow, hermafix, etc. And then.....there it was....the Wacom photo editing tablet.....on flex pay and with Photoshop Elements. It only took a split second before I was reaching for the phone and my wallet......and then my 'justification' of my birthday being just around the corner! So, Happy Birthday to me! The last time I got myself a cool birthday gift was 2009 when I ordered my personalized engraved orange Ipod.

Friday, September 23, 2011


My heart is breaking for this young lady and her family. Her father was a classmate as far back as elementary school. Hospice has stated her days are few and arrangements are to be made sooner rather than later. Please send up a prayer for this family during this difficult time. If you're in or around the Houston/Spring area please try to attend this event.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Me and My Good Intentions....

....and we all know what they say about intentions......if you don't well, the thought is that intentions is what paves the road to hell........

So usual, my mind is going a hundred miles a minute with things to be done, things I want to do and things that quite frankly I'm just too lazy to do! I do however feel that in the grand scheme of things that what really needs attention gets it (eventually) and regardless what does or does not get 'done' I am LIVING. Afterall, THAT is what really matters!

Which brings me to the proverbial 'one day'. You know what I'm talking about....that 'one day' list we all have....One Day...I'll use that piece of gorgeous paper I just HAD to day I'll wear that special day I'll use the good china just because.....even the simple one day I'll catch up on my in the spirit of 'one day'....I challenge YOU to DO something on your 'One Day' list. It can be simple, it can be complex. The point is to just do it! real reason for the fountain picture....just thought a picture would be nice...

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19, Really? Already???

I blinked and suddenly the month of September is two-thirds gone. Nothing earth shattering has been happening but I do admit have been getting some rest, taking advantage of some downtime. I spent the weekend doing a lot of nothing....and then took today off to do some more (nothing that is though I did get out for a bit).

This is what Sunday afternoon looked like around my place:

think I might need to scrap these.....

Monday, September 05, 2011

Breakfast with Sissy

Since fall is on it's way (ok so it's not been a million degrees the last day or so) I am in the mood for a morning cup or two of coffee. Feeling my favorite time of year--fall--coming around. And as I sip my coffee, Sissy dines...

While hosting Lucy (best buds doggie) one weekend, Sissy discovered 'wet food'. I could never get her to eat anything other than dry. While Lucy was hanging out with me and the honey I heard a noise, looked over and saw Sissy chowing down on Lucy's Benefal (wet) dog food. After that every once in a while I would buy some Benefal and give it to Sissy. Eventually I decided to pick up some Meow Mix wet cat food to see if she would eat that. Now she practically begs for it--as much as that little diva will beg. So my low maintenace, once-a-month dry cat food purchase is no more and now I'm buying the expensive-quite possibly yummy at least to Sissy yet disgusting in appearance to me-cat food weekly. But it's hard to deny that face.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Scrappy Girl Sunday

I had the grand idea of doing some major purging/organizing this weekend....kinda like the fall version of spring cleaning. Getting rid of the things that just take up space, that are never used, never worn, etc. You get the idea. But really,what fun is that?

So instead, I decided to play with paper. I really liked Shimelle's Explore class--even if I didn't exactly keep up. When I saw she has a daily class for September titled 'Learn Something New Everyday' I couldn't resist signing up. My first thought was this would be a great compliment to my Annual Birthday Album. Still not certain if I'm going to incoporate the two or do two separate albums--why yes, I am nuts. I have however stated my LSNE album and I am 'up-to-date'--but it is only the 4th!

As I worked Sissy is near as usual....only this time she is a bit more near than usual. Instead of taking up her normal spot in the corner below the window or on the window sill, she has decided to settle in just under my feet. Silly cat...

Welcome September!!!

So I'm a few days behind.....they were busy days and today is the first day I am taking time to slow down. Granted I could have done this yesterday morning-since I did get up at 3a with the honey when he left for the lease but I just relaxed and took it easy till I had to get going and then I ran/played all day.

After waking this morning I pondered what to tackle today--purge and organize? create? go shop for a few specific items? But first, breakfast. My initial intentions were to run to What-A-Burger and grab my go-to honey butter chicken biscuit but when I noted the (new) Denny's parking lot was not totally packed I acted on a whim and went there....

While awaiting my breakfast I had (minimum) time to savor a cup of coffee and think about the things I need and want to, long term--you get the idea....

I must admit the service was great--just hope it remains that way. I had someone take my order right away and while she was getting my coffee I had another server try to help me! My cup never had a chance to get empty and I didn't have to want for anything (though I didn't need anything) because I was given plenty of attention. And breakfast was yummy--build your own grand slam with eggs, biscuit and gravy, hash browns and bacon...

On with the day!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thirty-one aka Carol is evil....

Saturday afternoon I attended my first 'Thirty-one' party at Carol's. I honestly thought beforehand I would make a small purchase to support my friend because let's face it I really don't need another bag. Or do I?

So many cute things.....things I could not pass up. I loved the extendable bag that adds an extra five inches of space just by undoing a zipper. It appears this would be a great bag for my weekend getaways because frankly I am tired of trying to stuff everything into the bag I currently use. Still no guarantee I won't have a second (or third bag) but certainly raises the odds of not needing them.

So yes, after seeing the many cute bags and the many options not only did I purchase more than initially intended...I also am going to hold a book/online party. Still some things I want! Look for the link to my party coming soon in September!

Too Much Work...

This gives a glimpse into my life this time of year. These two carts are filled with files of students appealing the suspension of their aid. Some have valid reason, most don't. Five times a year I spent up to a week prior to the appeal meeting processing appeal requests to take to committee.

Monday, August 22, 2011

34 Years...


Dad's been gone 34 years today.....a lifetime ago.....I've lived longer without him than I did with him. I was daddy's girl and I still miss him.

I can still remember waking the morning of August 23. Something wasn't right. From my bedroom I could see into the living room. I could see the light was on--which was unusual for that time of morning. I could also see things that had been in daddy's hospital room. Confused I walked into the living room and then the kitchen where mom was getting a cup of coffee. I didn't expect her to be there as she'd been gone for days--staying at the hospital with daddy. I was happy to see her....and then I remember the words......we lost daddy last night. She hugged me and I just said okay, that I'd better get ready for school (it was only the second day of the my 5th grade year). I remember a bit later sitting in the kitchen floor at her feet, mom fixing my hair while talking to her cousin who had come by. She said I didn't have to go to school but I wanted to. I don't think I really understood what was going on.

Later in the morning at school I was sharpening a pencil and the teacher was asking who was on free lunch (something no one would dare ask out loud this day in age). I raised my hand because at the time I thought I was---in light of daddy being in the hospital a neigbor had arranged for me to have a lunch card so as far as I knew I was on the free lunch program (in hindsight for all I know the neighbor could have purchased it knowing our situation). Someone comment that I was not and could not be on free lunch and I just blurted out 'My daddy died last night'. I remember the teacher being shocked and I just kept right on with what I was doing as though I'd just casually mentioned the color of my socks or what day it was.

At lunch everything fell apart and I unraveled....all over some stupid ice cream. Even though I had a lunch card mom had managed to give me enough pocket change for a treat--to get sone ice cream with my lunch. The lunch lady seeing my lunch card took away the ice cream telling I could not have it because I was on 'free lunch'. She would not listen to me telling her I had money for the ice cream and even though I had it out for her she just kept saying I couldn't have it. I don't recall much after that but I know I went into full meltdown and someone put their are around me and took me to the nurse's office.

My brother picked me up and took me home. From there I just remember lots of people in and out and then trying to get on with life. I remember momma 'fighting' with the hospital because they couldn't locate daddy's wedding ring. I don't recall how long it took, but it was located and returned. I don't recall the timing but there was a memorial service for daddy

I didn't step foot in Hermann Hospital again untill 2008. I remember when the neurologist's nurse told me I'd be admitted to Hermann for the tests that ultimately resulted in my MS diagnosis; I immediately begain to cry uncontrollably.

It's 34 years later and I miss you daddy. I hope you are proud of the person I have become. I'm certain you would like my honey--I imagine you would be fishing and hunting together. He's taking care of daddy's girl.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Close to My Heart Cuteness

I just adore Close to My Heart's August Stamp of the Month which is a set of Halloween stamps. This beauty just speaks to me and my CTMH buddy let me play with the stamps while I await mine. I couldn't resist stamping her and pairing it with papers from the Roxie kit to make a cute card for the honey.

Shop For A Cause

$5 will get you a shopping pass to Macy's good for 25% off purchases on Saturday, August 27, 2011, good at all Macy's nationwide and online. Proceeds go to the Sugar Land MS Walk. Contact me if interested!

Monday, July 25, 2011


Prompt 5

and to think...just a few hours ago these were simple, handmade embellishments hanging out in the jungle I call a scrap table...

Happy Birthday Daddy!


My Own Little Episode of Hoarders...

For some reason I am drawn to watching Hoarders be it on TLC or the Discovery Channel. If I'm surfing and I find Hoarders I stop and watch, mesmerized. I have the instant urge to begin throwing away EVERYTHING...I still have STUFF because I don't act on it--I'm too lazy for the follow-through. heehee Wait--that's why these hoarders have so much CRAP. The honey has promised if he feels I am becoming a hoarder he will stop it. So lucky to have him!

So THIS is what my drafting/scrap table looks like I am ashamed to admit....I clean and it stays that way--until I begin to create again....

And this would be my homemade embellishments from my Explore class. Now I just need to pull together items and assemble the page for prompt 5.

Looking at them today I'm thinking they're kinda cute. Thanks for the inspiration Shimelle!