Sunday, February 07, 2016

Sunday Night Play Time

So much for spending the day creating. After breakfast and an errand I decided I needed rest more than creating. Obviously I was correct since I took a FOUR HOUR nap. Once I finally got my eyes open good, did a little laundry and watched the Super Bowl halftime I retreated to the studio to play. Much like my energy, my creative juices are low but I did at least make a start.

I used some gesso and modeling paste then added various paints and sprays from my February Flying Unicorn Mixed Art Kit. I have no real vision of a finished product and thus no clue where this is going. And for now, I think I am done for the night. Perhaps after it sits a bit I will have some inspiration and direction.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

It's About Damn Time

January was a busy month and I finally sat down tonight to play a bit. I've been wanting/meaning to for, well, days. I've had all weekend to play but waited till late on Sunday to even attempt anything. I looked and looked at my Flying Unicorn goodies and even surfed looking for inspiration but felt inadequate. Finally I just jumped in and played. What you see is the final result. Maybe this is the motivation I need to get creating!

Thursday, January 07, 2016

Itching to be Creative

I had some amazing creative opportunities last year; from scrap retreats to mixed media classes with star designers/artists. If only I could channel all the desire to create into actually creating. I manage to play some and then life gets in the way. Even last years goal to participate in the Documented Life Project derailed...about February/March. I didn't give up I just didn't make it a priority and dedicate the time. Somewhat like rehab, I would create a bit then fall off the wagon.

Even with life and dry spells I did take part in some amazingly inspiring events. Classes with Dina Wakley, Dyan Reaveley and Debby Schuh. And the most inspiring; the first ever Uni-Camp scrap retreat held by the Flying Unicorn. THAT weekend in Temple was so much more than I ever imagined it would be. I met an amazing group of talented ladies from all over the country and Canada. A diverse group of ladies who melded together to form some wonderful friendships. I loved everything I learned that weekend and all I continue to learn. I am anxiously awaiting the notice that sign ups are open for Uni-Camp this year. (I'll share more over time of the retreat weekend including links to the blogs of many of the talented ladies I met and am now have the pleasure of calling friend.)

Today's itch to create comes with the reveal of the new Dyan Reaveley Dylusion products by Ranger. The big Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) show is this weekend and various companies are posting their upcoming products. Today it was Ranger's upcoming Dylusions line that has me drooling. I LOVE Dyan Reaveley and her products and look forward to getting my hands on the new releases. Additionally I hope to have the opportunity to take classes from Lady Dy using her new products.

I have had the pleasure of taking classes from Dyan over the last year, having traveled to Forney, New Braunfels and Waxahachie to do so. It's all been great, creative, messy fun.

Just a few of my creations with the guidance of Lady Dy. (Sorry for the sideways pics--not sure how to rotate them.)

Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Revival Time

No, I'm not referring to religion though I'm sure in the eyes of some I could use it. I'm referring to this blog. This poor, sad, neglected blog. It's been way tooooo long since I've updated anything. Oh I've thought of it often but never quite manage to sit my behind down and do it. Instead I spend (waste) my time sitting in the living room with the honey in front of the tv (while he watches various things) as I play on my kindle scrolling facebook, pintetest or playing solitaire.

Time to break the cycle and start new habits. Yes, I know that sounds like a resolution which is not something I make. But if it makes others happy to view it that way then who am I to correct them? As for me, I will continue in my delusions of referring to changing habits.

One habit I did develop mid 2015 and nurtured through the year was going to the gym. Yes, me, the girl who hates that sort of thing. I have a gym membership and actually use it. And I can tell when I've been away too long. I'm not going to win any lifting competitions or such but I do try to get to the gym at least three times a week (sometimes more believe it or not) and generally do at least 30 minutes on the bike or treadmill-sometimes up to an hour. Yeah me.

But I digress. Back to my main topic: I am going to revive this blog. I am back to working on my creativity so I have hopes of posting creations here, among other things. Over the coming days I hope to do some clean work here-updating links, adding new ones, etc. Sharing past adventures and those in the works. Stay tuned.....