Monday, January 01, 2007

One More Day....

....just one more day of leisure and then it's back to the daily chaos. This happens every year, the night before my last day of winter break I realize there were so many things I had wanted to do but never quite seemed to fit in. And now of course I want to cram as much as I can into that last day without being totally exhausted at the end.

I didn't really do anything to speak of yesterday or today. Somewhat wasted days really but then sometimes you just have to have some time to do nothing but veg on the couch and watch mediocre television...and that's what I've done. Actually I've been watching marathon showings of Ugly Betty. I'm hooked on this show and can hardly wait to see what happens on the next episode. Must be something about 'rooting for the underdog' that appeals.

I'm not certain what I'm going to tackle tomorrow, on my last day of 'freedom' for a while. I've thought about a trip to the art museum-which I should have done already. I missed the dog in art but still have time to see the cat exhibit-but only limited time as it ends in a couple of weeks.

Guess I'll see what I feel like when I get up in the morning!

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