Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No Ice....

...at least not yet. Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day so we were off and I spent the day doing basically nothing. The weather was yucky and there were predictions of rain and ice and freezing temperatures. I pretty much stayed home. I didn't really have anything I needed to do and though the thought of going shopping did pop into my head I knew I couldn't afford it. My big adventure was a run to wally world for a few things. As far as things around my place, I pretty much accomplished NOTHING. And then just after six or so I got a call that we'd be closed today and I'd have another day off....WAHOOOOOO...another morning to sleep in.

So here it is just after 4pm and again I've accomplished pretty much nothing. Unless you count making a run to the post office-with everyone else and another trip to wally world to return a shirt. Oh and gas was down to 1.99 so I filled up. But now here I sit in front of the computer when there are so many other things I could and should be doing. Putting away laundry, washing towels, cleaning off my dining table, trying to pick up the spare bedroom so it more favors a bedroom than a war zone, working on my taxes (yes, I have my W2 already), reading one of the many books I've vowed to get through, scrapping even. And yet I sit here in front of the computer wasting precious time and though supposedly the worst of the bad weather is to occur tonight I highly doubt we will be closed again tomorrow and a late start is probalby too much to ask for. We were the only college on the Gulf Coast not closed on Wednesday before hurricane Rita and now I think we're the only (community) college on the Gulf Coast to close for ice that never came. Guess I better get back in the mindset to return to work tomorrow. Oh well.

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