Sunday, March 18, 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

Wow, in the blink of an eye it's already nearing toward the end of March....the rodeo is over (and I didn't go once)....spring break is over (darn it)....and the honey is starting his fifth week on the road (four more to go).

I have managed to do some sewing and feel my skill is getting better. At least I'm getting better at the main project I've been working on--making tote bags. Took one to camp this weekend to donate for a door prize and it was a hit.

Sometimes I am awed by just how quickly time seems to pass. As a kid or when anticipating something it seemed time would stand still. With age it it gone in the blink of an eye....guess that's just another part of getting older. And more reason to make certain to live life to the fullest and savor every moment.

In addition to sewing I've been trying to play with paper a bit. I did take a cute album class at Archivers the first weekend of break--now I just need pictures to fill it. The honey will be enlisted for that project--heehee. I have another little paper project I've been slowly working on--it's actually an online course. Once I progress a little more I'll share pictures.

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