Sunday, April 01, 2012

Running Behind.....

Wow...already April 1, on the calendar. There have been a ton of things happening--see picture below--and I just haven't seemed to have had time to catch up. Ok, so I did have some time this weekend but I opted to be L A Z Y.

I kept Lucy-dog Friday and Saturday night and she's such a cuddle pup that we did a lot of that. We napped in the recliner both Saturday and Sunday. Sissy was a bit put out with having a dog here but she seemed to cope okay as she not only slept in the bedroom both nights but Friday night she actually got in bed. I Lucy on one side and Sissy on the other.

Lots of excitement since the 'proposal'...and lots of rampant thoughts. For the first few days after just the thought of trying to put together a wedding would start me stressing. Now that a week has passed and we've 'made decisions' and changed minds on things I am feeling a bit more relaxed. Of course--we will see if that continues! Right now it looks as though our target date is October--looking at the calendar I've come up with October 27, due to various things already scheduled for the month of October. Of course, the honey's schedule could very well change that date.

Spring is in full swing--Easter is next weekend....summer and fall registration is right around the corner which means work madness will build.....and in the midst of it all...the honey will hopefully get into some sort of schedule, get his house sold and hopefully we will find one of our very own. So many things on the horizon......

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