Monday, April 11, 2011

Cute shoes, auction purchases and other assorted tidbits.....

What a jam packed weekend.....did a little Macys shopping on Saturday--didn't realize how long it had been since I'd been some cute new work tops and new orange dreamsicle colored polo for the MS150 next weekend (spectator, not rider)..and some cute Vera Wang flip flops at Kohls...that I ended up having to exchange Sunday because the pair I got home with had a major rip (before I ever got to wear them)

So on the way out Sunday morning the sweetie stopped by Kolhs so I could make the exchange...and I got a second pair of cute VW flipflops:

Then it was off to auction....there was an estate sale and he was hoping for a few bargains and figured there might be something we just couldn't live without! I ended up picking up a new basic sewing machine that I'll most likely use strictly for scrapping so it can be dedicated to paper, etc.

And then I looked away only to look back and hear 'SOLD to buyer number 3'...which was the number we were sharing...and this is what he bought......

Me: What did you just buy?
Sweetie: A table
Me: ok...(and then I actually saw it), why did you buy THAT table?
Sweetie: Babe, it was only five dollars!
Me: Um, what're you gonna do with it?
Sweetie: Not sure, maybe sell it.
Me: Do you have someone who might be interested?
Sweetie: No
Me: Um, ok....wait, I may actually know someonw we might be able to sell it to......
Sweetie: That's great--go for it!

So I begin a text exchange....maybe....possibly.......don't really like the color....don't want it if it's partical board and not solid wood......

Sweetie and I continue on to R's dad's birthday bash.......say a burger, visit a bit...head back to Podunk....

And then it we turn a corner headed to get something to drink the top section flies off and hits the ground--apparently it wasn't quite as sturdy as we thought....and the Sweetie's reply.....oh crap, there goes the resale value!

You can make this up folks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cracks me up.