Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Miracle Med.....

Finally got my Acthar Gel today....don't know what it is about that stuff but for me it is a miracle in a bottle. I felt good on Friday after an injection last Thursday but by the weekend I was dragging again. Found a vial in the fridge with one remaining dose and that got me through the weekend but started to drag again.

Thanks to managed health care, I did not get the delivery on Saturday as I should have. I spent a great deal of time on the phone Monday trying to get an update. Just after 5p I received a call that I would have my med yesterday-Tuesday. I waited, I tried checking with the complex office but no med.

Dragging again this morning I called for a tracking number only to discover it actually had been delivered yesterday, about 11a. The maintenance man had signed for it but did not deliver it to the office unitl THIS MORNING. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Guess that big sticker that says REQUIRES REFRIGERATION meant nothing to him. I got my hands on the box about 10a and took the first injection. By late afternoon I could tell a difference---I actually felt like doing something and WANTED to do something.

Once I got in from work I actually got a few things done at home that I've been neglecting. Here it is almost 10p and if I didn't need to get up for work in the morning I would probably play with paper or fabric. Hopefully this round of shots will squash this flare! Of course this probably also means I'll have a one-way ticket to an MRI next month when I see the neurologist. Happy, happy, joy, joy....gimme drugs.

A big thank you to all who have checked on me, offered kind words and said a prayer on my behalf. I know I have the best friends!

As of today the honey has logged 1398 miles, driven a mountain pass or two (said it was no big deal) and completed day four on the road. It's been a crazy, busy four and half weeks with about nine or so more to go. He's made it out to California but will now be heading back east. During this time he'll be criss-crossing the country but he is on his way to a new career and future.

While I admit to being a bit concerned when he first brought up the school and that they would cover the cost I am finding all is well. It seems he is progressing well and I even received a letter addressed to ME welcoming us to the company 'family' and giving me a contact to anser questions, address concerns or just help me get in touch with the honey.

Say a little prayer for his safe journey and return.

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