Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How did it get to be the 10th of the month already??

Ten days into 2007 and it seems to be flying by already. Wait....slow down.......wasn't it just yesterday that it was October? Seems as you get older time begins to move soooo much faster. Really, it does. Think about it. When you're a kid you don't think summer break or Christmas or your birthday is e-v-e-r going to arrive...but finally it does. And then you're a little older and stuck in that one class that you think will never end. Before you know it you're in college or out in the work-force or in the work-force while going to college and you just never seem to have a enough time. And then suddenly it's gone in the blink of an eye.

That's pretty much how I felt about Christmas break (yes Christmas, not winter) this year. Often it seemed so far away and finally it arrived. I had great plans...go to Wichita Falls (which I did), see some movies (never did), catch up on reading (nope), maybe even do some things around home (not even close). Before I knew it, new years had passed and I was returning to work. And now we're back into the grind. Oh what fun. At least spring break is coming!

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