Thursday, May 07, 2009

Can't believe it's been a year.......

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Now the REAL Fun Begins...

So far I like the doc well enough. He explained what he was seeing--or in some cases, not seeing and said he really needs a new MRI. He apologized for that (like he had any control over it--I liked that). He said he needed the lumbar puncture (I figured getting out of it was too good to be true). He suggested getting me admitted to the hospital to do it all--if I was agreeable--and he was ready to do it right then. I agreed and he was ready to write the order and send me over this morning. I told him I needed to go home to take care of a few things--like getting a few things together for one. So tomorrow is the day.

He didn't really let on one way or another that I could tell if he does suspect MS. I guess from experience he's found it better to be that way. And I can understand that. I feel okay with it. I had pretty much resolved myself before ever getting to the appointment to the fact I'd probably have to have another MRI. I'm not thrilled with having to be in the hospital but I know it's best. And I know it's best it's at Hermann. Though I do have some mixed emotions about Hermann (I haven't been in that hospital since daddy died there in not so good memories). But as Carol would say, it is what it is. And I will deal with it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I'm terrified. But not of being told it's MS. Terrified of having to go through the lumbar puncture because I've heard nothing good about them. But I'm a bit more comfortable with having it done as an admitted patient as opposed to out-patient. I keep telling myself by the weekend it will all be over and it should be. And I hope by then I have answers and not more questions---that concerns me too. I'm ready to get this chapter behind me and on with my life.

So, tomorrow morning by 11a I check into Hermann (not exactly the kind of vacation I wanted and not my idea of where I'd like to be checking in). I don't know when the fun will actually begin but hopefully it will only be a two day stay as the nurse stated. And I can say the nurse at Dr. Brod's office was wonderful (pronounced with a long o). So far I like his let's hit this thing head on and find out what we're dealing with attitude and he does appear to have a personality and not be all clinical and stoic which I feel is important too. I don't know how much I'll see of him while I'm actually in the hospital but I'm confident he'll be the one delivering any sort of news.

For now I need to try to get some rest. I'm physically and mentally worn out from today.
Posted by mjr1066 at 11:03 PM

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