Sunday, January 09, 2011

One Little Word........

I realize I am slacking and lagging behind in regards to my 'one little word' for 2011...wish I could say I have a good reason but alas I don't. So without further one little word: SAVOR I want to savor all that 2011 has to offer; to fully appreciate what comes my way both good and bad.

Just one week into the new year I think I am doing fairly well in 'living' my word. I don't seem to lament as much over time when I'm not going a 100 miles a minute but instead appreciate the times in which I may be doing nothing more than just sitting, living in the moment. If I start to feel bad about not accomplishing anything of great magnitude I think of what I actually have done and how it relates to my word. It's those times I generally realize I have taken time to just slow down and 'be', to savor that moment.

This morning for instance...I did not spring out of bed and immediately begin tackling the numerous things vying for my attention; back to organizing my scrap studio, laundry, work, etc. Instead I am enjoying the ability to linger in bed a bit--posting this from the comfort of my bed--thank you wi-fi. I am taking time to think of what I need to do and what I want to accomplish today and how I plan to fit in some creative time--because I have been missing that.

Here on the cusp of week 2 of 2011 I want to continue to savor the moment. What will you do to savor your time today?

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