Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Have you seen my motivation???

If you do, could you send it back? I feel that I've hit a bit of a wall in the motivation department. I haven't done much of anything today to speak of and I don't really want to! I guess it could be said I'm taking full advantage of being off and being able to establish my own schedule.

I stayed up late last night--probably the latest I've been up in a while. As a result, I really slept in this morning. From there I did virtually nothing though I did manage to shower and drag myself out to meet Robin for a bite to eat. And most would find it unlike me in that I met Robin, stopped by Scrapbook Village to pick up my bookclub kit then came home. In total gone just a little over three hours. Soooo not like me. There wasn't really anything else I wanted to do.

I'm spending the evening doing a lot more nothing--despite the great deal that (always) needs attention. I've read through some of last year's blog posts...about goals and such. I looked at my recap of 2008 goals and noticed there were no real goals for 2009---but the 2008 carry-overs are pretty much in the same state they were this time last year. Maybe I'll post some 2010 goals and maybe I'll just keep them to myself for now.

I have decided my word for 2010 will be organized as that is something I currently am not. There was a time when I was but that has long gone by the wayside and it's time to revive it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl. Rest up and start thinking Organize. I am so looking forward to that myself.