Monday, July 25, 2011

My Own Little Episode of Hoarders...

For some reason I am drawn to watching Hoarders be it on TLC or the Discovery Channel. If I'm surfing and I find Hoarders I stop and watch, mesmerized. I have the instant urge to begin throwing away EVERYTHING...I still have STUFF because I don't act on it--I'm too lazy for the follow-through. heehee Wait--that's why these hoarders have so much CRAP. The honey has promised if he feels I am becoming a hoarder he will stop it. So lucky to have him!

So THIS is what my drafting/scrap table looks like I am ashamed to admit....I clean and it stays that way--until I begin to create again....

And this would be my homemade embellishments from my Explore class. Now I just need to pull together items and assemble the page for prompt 5.

Looking at them today I'm thinking they're kinda cute. Thanks for the inspiration Shimelle!

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