Sunday, July 29, 2012

Packing and Pitching....

I still have painting to do but my focus has been to pitch and PACK. I found out last week I can get out of my lease early--they need the unit and would love to have it before the end of August. I have movers scheduled for Saturday the 4th, but wasn't able to reschedule for an earlier time so the 4th it stays. In reality that is fine because there is plenty to be done!

I've slowly moved most of my kitchen--still a few dishes but the majority is done and set up! That will be a big help. I will be able to cook and eat and not have to do it from moving boxes. And since I've been doing that myself a little at a time I've not bothered with wrapping dishes so no extra trash. Dishes go from cabinet here to car to cabinet at house! The pantry here is empty and the house is stocked. Though I will have to make some purchases to make them more user friendly so I don't 'lose items way in the back'. I will be on the look-out for big flat tray-type baskets that I can just pull out and remove or restock items.

The dining area and living room are nearly done and I have stacks of boxes in the dining area. I have pitched magazines that I can't even begin to remember the last time they were thumbed through. It was a bit sad but I did it. Just a few more things to actually box.

I have started on the scrap room and that's quite a task. I have found some books that need to go. Hoping for time to hit half-price books with those though the books may have to 'move' and then go. I haven't even gotten in the scrap room closed to box that up. Hopefully I can get to that in the next evening or so.

That then leaves the bathroom which shouldn't be that difficult and then the bedroom. I don't forsee that being too terribly hard either. I plan to move hanging clothes myself and should be able to knock that out in an evening or so.

By Friday I hope to have a really good handle on it all so that once the movers cart things away I can get the placed cleaned and turn in the keys next Monday--if not drop them in the slot next Sunday night!

Gonna be a busy, busy week!

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