Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fender Benders and other *$%@

So I go to lunch (uneventful) and run by WalMart on my way back to the office because I have a prescription I need filled. My plan was to just drop it off and go back later but I waited for it--mistake. I had just backed out of the parking space and was about to put my car in drive. I noticed in my side mirror that there was something large and white at the corner of my car. I realized it was a truck backing out so I hit my horn. Too late--BOOM.

The lady didn't see me. Fortunately I was sitting still and she was going slow so it's basically just a dented quarter panel (did nothing to her vehicle). She was nice. I got her info and headed back to the office to call the insurance company and begin dealing with that.

I get power. Normally I really wouldn't mind that except for the fact it is now hotter than hell in my office (heat and MS don't mix). There was at least one funny out of it...standing in the hallway with coworkers (cause it was cooler than the office) we saw a w0man walk up to the elevator, push the button and stand there waiting. Apparently the fact there was no electricity in the building did not register that it would also mean there would be no elevator...


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about the fender bender. That sucks but at least she has insurance. Hope you get some R&R in over weekend. Have fun in Austin

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about the fender bender. That sucks but at least she has insurance. Hope you get some R&R in over weekend. Have fun in Austin