Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wednesday's adventures....

As mentioned in a previous post, I saw my neuro Wednesday afternoon. I am fortunate to have been referred to someone I like. Dr. Brod in my opinion is not only thorough, he also genuinely cares about his patients. He doesn't rush...he answers questions...he explains...he considers the patient. He is concerned the betaseron might not be working effectively so now we investigate which means...more tests. Another MRI (it has been since May of 08) and some specialized bloodwork. Everyone knows how much I love I have valium for that. Good thing because I've been told this one could take three hours. But it's MY MRI so it will probably be longer (my observation based on my previous experiences). I'm also waiting to be contacted by a home health agency to schedule the bloodwork--the test I need is specialized and only one lab in Texas does them--basically as I understand it, it checks for antibodies against the drug so Dr. Brod has something concrete to go on regarding effectiveness. At the end of it all I may end up with a new treatment protocol. Several options were mentioned, a few quickly dismissed. To summarize, Dr. Brod said whatever it may be will be customized just for me. Yep, I like him.

And Carol....I am now keeping a diary of my daily symptoms and such so I have the answers to the neuro's questions--I know, something I should have been doing all along.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a positive step is always a good thing regardless of when it is taken. Just take each day as it comes. It might just set you up for journal in general once this is all done. I love jotting down a thing or two each day in my calendar and we all know how much I love journaling. I am real glad to hear you are taking some great positive steps.