Sunday, February 28, 2010

Three down...two to go....

Three days of steriods that is......only two more days of swallowing the 16 far I seem to be avoiding the increased appetite cause let's face it, I do NOT need to gain any more weight. I haven't really noticed any of the side effects but then, the last two times I've been on them I've had the opposite of most people. Where others have had endless energy I have been slammed with extra fatigue. As I recall it's usually a day or two after I finish that happens. Hoping maybe, just maybe I won't have that this time. I really can't afford to cause I can't take off any this week. The doc says about three days after I finish I should be feeling better. I have to admit I have noticed some improvement small as it may be.

I'm doing my best to dwell on the positive and not the negative. It's a matter of survival and that is what I intend to do--survive! Not sure when I'll have results from bloodwork or if the doc will have me in before May to go over that and possible changes in meds but I am ready whatever he should decide. This is a fight I continue to undertake! I will NOT give up!

...wonder if I can have tomorrow afternoon off??

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