Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The latest....

Not really a whole lot of new to share....

The semester is in full swing and the craziness is at a managable level. Still lots to be done but at least it no longer requires 50/60+ hour workweeks. I can breathe, but just a bit. Still lots for me to do with different administrative duties.

Tomorrow is my six month visit with the neuro....Having mixed emotions about that one. This will be my first visit since my little steroid feast he ordered back in November--you 'member...the flare I was in and didn't realize I was in one. Amazing what an over $46,000 (yes, I said $46,000-$46,072.62 to be exact, but insurance negotiated it to $24,101.59) treatment was able to do.

So I'll see Dr. B tomorrow afternoon and share with him all my wonderful adventures...wobbling, stumbling, tingling, etc. Oh and the emotions....heaven help me the emotional rollercoaster can be trying. Thankfully this week things have been a bit more calm than in previous weeks. The downside is that he won't see the total basketcase I've been the past few weeks--I blame part of it on the stress. Most importantly I hope I remember to share with him all that I've been experiencing. I have a tendency to forget.

And on another note...MS Awareness Week is coming next month so you know I'm going to be harping on that! I'll share MS facts--maybe some personal experiences--but then if you know me you've probably already heard it or even lived it with me! And if you have a chance, check out the link to the MS 12x12 blog in my blog list. The blog belongs to Eric--whom I've not (yet) met--and he's vowed to donate his time each month to the MS cause through various volunteer opportunities...and whatever else he or the local MS offices can think up! I'm looking forward to following Eric's journey.

I had something else to add but darn, I've already forgotten what it was! So wish me luck with the neuro and I'll post an update after. Maybe I can find some pictures to go with it. Wonder if Dr. B would pose for me??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Make comments in a notebook that you can take with you to the dr. It will holp you remember what you wanted to tell him about.