Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Thoughts on the New Fall TV Season...

are that it BITES. I haven't found any of the new shows that really hold my interest. Granted I missed most of the premiere episodes due to being out of town but even trying to watch now is almost an exercise in futility.

Pushing Daisies on ABC looked interesting but I just cannot get into. Reaper on WB looked interesting...fifteen to twenty minutes was about all I could handle. Cave Men on ABC just looked STUPID and after about five minutes last night (because there wasn't much of a choice in my opinion) I was convinced it is STUPID. I've never been into Grey's Anatomy and missed the premiere of the spin off...nothing on NBC has even piqued my interest (nope, not even The Office) and about the only thing on CBS is 'How I Met Your Mother' and 'Two and a Half Men'--thanks to the boss I'm watching that one and think it's hysterical. Charlie Sheen is a riot.

I'm not into reality shows so Survivor, Bachelor, Dancing with the Stars, etc does nothing for me. Honestly the only thing that I make it a point to watch is 'Ugly Betty' and I got hooked on that last year by accident.

Guess I might finally get around to reading the stack of books I've been collecting!

1 comment:

Timmy said...

I thought the Geico commercials with the cavemen were stupid so why would I watch a sitcom with them in it?