Sunday, September 14, 2008

GLUED to the television.....

I have been glued to my television pretty much since Thursday--we're talking 24 hours a day! I have been fortunate to not lose power and have watched in awe all the coverage of Ike and the destruction being carried by all the stations. I cannot fathom the loss and especially the total destruction to Galveston such as the Balinese Room and Murdochs, among other things. I wonder just how long it will take for the island to return to a somewhat normal existance for no matter what, it will never be the same. And I am thankful for the safety of all my friends. Being inconvenienced by lack of power (and I've been there having been without power for two weeks in 83 after Alicia) is a small price to pay for your health and safety. If there's anything I can do help you guys, let me know.

Much love,

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