...weekends that is. Started out fine. Friday I headed in for lunch at PF Changs with a friend--the company was great and the food yummy. I did a little shopping after while waiting for Carol to get off. Picked up some makeup--went to Barnes and Noble and bought nothing (so rare for me!). Met Carol at the village and got Pampered Chef goodies then headed home. Or actually, straight to Joey's.
Friday evening was fabulous hanging out with Joey. We chatted and made the cutest cards! Always a good time with her. Then stupid me left my phone and felt so totally lost. What's up with that??? When and why did I become so attached and addicted??? Oh and I almost forgot to mention that thanks to facebook, I am now in contact with my very first best friend. Kim and I were inseparable in elementary school...then we moved and as can happen, we drifted apart. Very much looking forward to catching up with her again.
Saturday I tried being domestic and well if you know me, you know that was a stretch!! I got a few things done but not as much as I really should have. I figure that's okay, I'm entitled to take it easy. Course now that means I'll be in overdrive trying to get things done before leaving for San Antonio/Ft Worth.
Then today arrived...sooooo full of promise! Joey and I had planned a Target trip and a movie
after I got off work. Yep, I said work. Had to go in to test some software--a whole other story. Anywho...as the morning progressed I began to think the movie idea might not be so good since what we want to see didn't show till nearly 7p. Quick change of plans, no problem. We'd make the Target run (I need to pick up another book case) and then we'd spend the afternoon creating. Then I get the brilliant idea that I want to get my hair cut! Yes, finally!
Another change of plans...we'll head to the mall after I get off then back to create and watch the basketball game. So far, so good. We get to Visible Changes and I tell the woman I want a Style Director or Art Director, nothing lower. She tells me it will be approximately an hour and a half before I can get in. I check with Joey and go for it (should have been my first clue). So Joey and I proceed to kill time shopping. Joey got the cutest bag at Dillards and it was on sale--gotta love that! Even if she does keep calling me the devil. But Joey, it was half the price of the first one you looked at!!! You know if was a bargain!
So after a few other stops we stroll back to Visible Changes and I check in even though it's still 20 or so minutes till my appoointment time. I flip through one of the books and find a cut similar to what I'm thinking. I get called back, get my hair shampooed and directed to the chair. This is really where I should have started questioning when I was telling the girl what I wanted and she was confused. It's not like I wanted anything drastic, just shorter (yes, shorter) and really full--kinda like Rachel Ray's hair.
The chick was clueless. She consulted the guy next to her who at this point I'm thinking I should have working on my hair. He played with my hair, told her what to do, chatted with me. Ok off and cutting. Uneventful except I could feel the start of a headache. No big deal I thought. It was a bit warm in the mall and I was hot so I figured once out of the chair I'd grab a drink and be good. She finished up the cut and though not quite what I'd shown her it was cute--though she didn't really do much styling. Odd but okay, my head was starting to throb and I was feeling a bit warm but thought I'd be okay.
Here's where it really starts to go south.... I get to the counter to check out and the girl tells me the price. HUH? It
should have been about double that amount for a director. I asked what level of cutter I had. Hair Stylist--the lowest level at VC which means basically she may not have been out of school that long. WHAT?? I'm not knocking beginners, eveyone has to start somewhere and heaven knows I've had my share of beauty school students (I used to go to the local cosmetology school when I was at SHSU).
I specifically asked for a director level. The girl gets the so called co-manager who is the person that scheduled me. When I ask her why I was not given what I requested all she could say was that, 'normally when someone requests a certain level......yadda, yadda, yadda'. EXCUSE ME, I DID request a specific level. Never once did she apologize or admit she screwed up. Thankfully I do like the haircut but the fact remains I did NOT get what I requested. I WILL be calling corporate tomorrow!!
I wish that were the end of the story but alas, it is not. By this time my head is really starting to pound but I think I can make it. Joey and I head to the car but before I can even make it out of the parking lot good the headache hits full force and is starting to morph into a migraine. OH CRAP. Thankfully Joey was with me so she could drive me home because I never would have made it out the parking lot. We made it to Wharton in what seems like record time---THANK YOU JOEY! She gets her sweet husband to pick her up at my place and I manage to drag myself up the stairs.
There was a trail of clothing from the front door to the bedroom...I managed to find and choke down some migraine meds (gotta call the doc tomorrow for a refill) and fall into bed. I think it was near 5p when we got back and I slept till 9p. I'm up now, feeling much better than when I got in--thankfully--and not too happy about the outcome of the afternoon. I am so very greatful to Joey for rescuing me. Thankfully I still like the cut--ask me more tomorrow when I actually try to style it! I've accomplished nothing this evening and now need to get myself together and go back to bed so I can get up for work in the morning!