Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Lot of Nothing....

That's pretty much how I'd sum up my weekend if asked. I took advantage of no commitments and no real plans and basically did nothing over the weekend. I even passed on a scrapping day with the girls. Instead I opted to stay home, stay in and nap and watch tv (and there really wasn't anything on to watch!). I did manage to get to the grocery store and Walmart on Saturday. Sunday I scheduled a massage, had a nice lunch, picked up a few things at Target then did a lot more nothing at home.

I thought often of being creative but didn't expend the energy to do any. I did manage to start a new junk binder using an old textbook--thus a bit bigger.....because I ordered the wrong size binder rings! I just need to hit the hardware store for the screws and Hobby Lobby for some liquidtex (since there's a coupon this week). And I will have to scavange for textbooks but I was lucky and found one for a buck at halfprice books so maybe I'll find others. Now to just get the creative mojo going.

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