Monday, August 17, 2009

Feeling a bit productive....

...despite it all. Felt horrible most of the day but once I got home I did not let myself just sit around. I had an Amish Friendship Bread starter thanks to Kim and needed to make that. It was a bit more work than I anticipated but it's done and yummy. It'll be a nice treat for the office tomorrow.

I managed to clean the vanity in my bathroom which needed some tlc. The counter top is now clean and so is the mirror. I even managed to organize a few things in there.

The dishwasher is loaded and running...the trash has been taken to the dumpster...and I've managed to do a couple loads of laundry. I have also ironed a skirt to wear to work tomorrow.

I didn't manage doing anything creative which I really would have liked. Even so, I did accomplish things and I'm feeling better than I have all day. Maybe a good night's sleep will seal the deal and I'll be 100% in the morning! Here's hoping.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cleaning and organizing leads to creative play. So nice to have things clean and orderly don't ya think?