Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's all good....

Neuro appointment went well. Nothing major new going on. Everything I've been experiencing is just the disease--lucky me. It's nothing overwhelming though the dizziness does tend to be a pain in the ass. Routine bloodwork and follow up in six months. I do like Dr. Brod and his staff.

After that little excursion I met E for coffee. It was nice visiting with him. Always look forward to that. The weather was turning bad and it was rush hour so instead of figthing the idiots on the road I went by HCC to visit with Wendy and her new boss who just happens to be a dear friend. From there it was dinner then a quick shopping trip before home.

I knew I was going to be in town a while but didn't realize it would be nearly 9p before I headed back to podunk. Got in just a little before 10p. Turn around twice and it was time for bed!

Now to face another fun day at the office. I still have some personal time to use by the end of the month and the prospect of taking tomorrow off is looking better and better.....may try to do that!

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