Monday, August 17, 2009

Figuring it all out...

I've caved and called the neuro's office regarding a round of steroids........missed their return call but the nurse contacted the doc and left me a message that one of them will get back with me.....then I missed his call because I didn't hear my phone. I'll call tomorrow and talk with the nurse which I would have preferred to have done today. Yes, I've been feeling crummy but have started feeling better this evening. Now I'm thinking this is just one of the natural ups and downs and I'm feeling a bit silly.

Now that I step back and think of it all and contemplate the dr's message I think I can progress fine without going the drastic course of steroids. And too he knows my hesitancy in taking them. I'm looking for a quick fix and there is no quick fix. I've let the stress get to me and heaven knows that doesn't help a thing.

So for now I'm going to take a deep breath and do what I can. I'll call and talk with Linda (his nurse) and I know that will help. Instead of panicing I need to relax and take it one day at a time. The hematologist may provide answers and that is just around the corner. Hell, I felt much worse than this last year when I finally got someone to listen to me and was set on the path to a diagnosis.

I've had an uneventful year in dealing with it all. Perhaps this is just the natural progression of how it goes. And I'm sure they're used to patients freaking out. Hey...I'm overdue!

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