Sunday, August 09, 2009

Proud of me!

I had the urge to go to Archivers and then the desire to take a nap. I did neither. Instead I opened my closet and began to pull out clothes. Not just one or two things but everything on a hanger. I started on the left. I made two to keep and one for Kim.

Once everything was gone from the left side I slowly began to return items. I grouped them as best I could...sping/summer tops (current), winter tops..long sleeve, sweaters. Next I moved to the right side once again pulling everything and sorting into two piles. Slowly things began to return...blazers, pants, dresses.....

The closet is still a ways from being done but at least I have started. Four HUGE piles of clothing went to Kim. I still have a closet full but at least now I can add things without much difficulty. I'm sure there is still some that can go but again, at least I have made a start!

I purged shoes back in the spring and there is still work to be done there too. Who knows, by the end of the year I just may have my closet cleaned and organized! Most inportantly, I have made a start and I feel good about it. Maybe now I can get a few more things done!!

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