Tuesday, May 29, 2007

random thoughts...

It was Memorial Day weekend with of course, a coveted extra day off. I spent most of it in Austin just hanging out with Elsa. She cooked, we ate out a few times, watched some movies, did some scrap shopping and even a little scrapping. Oh and reading. As usual I came home with armloads of books. Why do I bother to buy books when I can just go to Elsa's and load up??? Between what I already have 'waiting' and what I brought home I have plenty to read and the pace I've been going for months, maybe even years! But I don't want that to be the case. I tell myself I'm going to read some every day...but that soon goes by the wayside too.

I did pick up a new book over the weekend that's NOT a romance/mystery/vampire novel. It's "We Are Their Heaven" by Allison Dubois. She's the meduim that the show Medium is based on. Now it's not something I watch and the book is something I wouldn't normally give a second glance, much less read. Something about it caught my eye the other afternoon and I knew I had to have it. It's a quick easy, read. I'd have finished it already if I had stayed up a bit later last night or settled down with it tonight. Maybe I will try to finish it tonight. It really goes well with book club this month since it's about remembering loved ones. Basically the book talks about how those we love who've passed never really leave us, how they are always around us, especially when we need them. Maybe it's silly, but it's given me some comfort. It's validated some things Mike has told me and it inspires me to scrap some things. Now if I'd just sit down and do the scrapping!

In addition to it being a short week due to the holiday yesterday, it's also a short week because I am off Friday! Making the quick trip to Vinton to see 'Da Boys. Third row but at least I'll get to see the show. After this who knows when I'll have the chance to catch another show. For my birthday perhaps if I'm able to make it up to Branson and I certainly want to try to get tickets to the Christmas shows in Lake Charles. Definitely Galveston in January.

On the way back I plan to swing through Pasadena to the stamp show. Since I decided not to make the trek to Arlington the following week I figure I can splurge a little if I should find something. Not spending a small fortune going to Arlington should allow me the indulgence of the Pasadena show and a goodie or two if there's something I really feel that I can't live without that is affordable. Just have to wait and see!

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