Thursday, October 15, 2009

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves....and other assorted thoughts.....

How true that is. I am very, very fortunate to have great friends. Good vibes and well wishes always seem to come when I'm needing them most.

Here it is, Friday eve. So many things needing attention. I have taken the evening to try to pick up a bit. I can now see my sofa and living room floor---I knew it was under there somewhere. Still many things to be done but at least it doesn't look quite as bad as it did.

I still need to get to my closet and try to find something to wear to the gala tomorrow night. I haven't bought anything new--there's a shocker and I'm not sure what in my closet that fits and looks decent will qualify for appropriate. I have a couple of ideas. The evening is growing short so I'm going to have to figure out something soon.

Tomorrow is Boss' Day and the girls have taken care of planning for that. I picked up a pie and have already delivered it to the office. They are taking care of everything else and in the event we find we need something else, I can always slip off to the store. My guess is the boss knows something is up---so much for surprising him.

At this moment the only items on my weekend agenda are laundry---as usual on the weekend---try picking up a bit more around here and scrapping. Tonight is the first night this week I've not done any sort of scrapping. It won't be long before bed but if I manage to find something to wear to the gala and to work tomorrow I may still have an opportunity to play with paper before calling it a night!

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