Friday, February 20, 2009


Ready for Friday...ready for the weekend....well, sorta. As is the norm for me, I am happy today is Friday and I have a weekend ahead of me. Once again, this one appears to be packed.

I'm signed up for another cooking demo at Williams Sonoma tomorrow morning but at the moment I'm not certain if I'm going to make it. I need to drop some things by Robin's and I need to be at Carol's around noonish. From there we're headed across town to shop at By Design and eat at the Fish Place (yum). At some point we head back across town to Archivers to crop. Seems like forever since I've been to one with them.

Sunday is College Goal Sunday which means I'll be at a local high school helping families complete the financial aid process. That will take a huge chunk out of the afternoon.

In the blink of an eye it will be Monday again!

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