Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Day to Rest

THAT is what today turned out to be. I tried, I really tried to get out of bed and get moving this morning. My body however wanted no part of it. Ok, it was really just the right side that was rebelling but it was enough to finally make me say UNCLE.

I moved to the recliner where I managed to finally find a somewhat comfortable position and drifted off to sleep. I dreamed I was in a room and there was an alarm clock buzzing but it could not be found. I finally realized I was hearing MY alarm buzzing in my bedroom. Crap it was already 7:30am.

My first thought was to make a mad dash and get to the office as soon as I could. My body had different ideas and after dragging myself to the bedroom to turn off the alarm I returned to the recliner with phone in hand. Through a haze I managed to call to let them know I was NOT feeling well and would be spending the day in bed.

I spent most of the morning sleeping in the recliner and would most likely have continued to do so had it not been for the FedEx man banging on my door. I had forgotten I was getting a medicine delivery today. Oh joy.

I spent the day napping, watching a bit of television and trying to get a few things done on the computer when my hand would cooperate with me. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow!

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