Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dreaming of (bad food choices for) dinner...

For about a week now I've been c-r-a-v-i-n-g cheese fries from Salt Grass Steakhouse. Yes, specific cheese fries. Now I've only come close once to realizing this desire. Wednesday night I ran into Sugar Land but with it being the day before valentines plus not getting away from the office till nearly 5:30p, the parking lot was P-A-C-K-E-D so I opted to skip it and just run my errands. In fact, I'm not sure that even actually ate that evening.

So fast forward to today. I am now home from the required work which actually took place in Richmond. The smart thing would have been for me to drive myself and then go to Salt Grass after. Nope. I caught a ride because I honestly thought I could overcome the cheese fry desire plus I thought just maybe I'd do something once I got laundry or any other number of things I should have already tackled this weekend. So now I'm's 5:45p and I'm hungry. And the thought of cheese fries continues to dance in my head. As I sit here trying to rationalize with myself that I should stay home the thought of Outback (which is a bit further than Salt Grass) and their coconut shrimp and cheese fries has popped into my head.

Now, I need cheese fries like I need a hole in my head. But oh YUM...I really, really, really want them. I rationalied last week that I could get them this week. And now I'm on the cusp of Monday and I still haven't fulfilled the wish. And as time ticks away I still cannot make myself stop thinking of them! I blame my mother. I can hear her telling me to get them since I want them. I hear rationale telling me I do not need them, that it's silly to drive in this late in the day when there are so many things yet to be done and that I'll be tired when I get back and it'll be late so I'll accomplish nothing but I also hear rationale telling me I have to do something about dinner. Oh decisions, decisions....


Unknown said...

So did you get the fries or not???? It is like a mystery store and you left off the end. LOL.

Unknown said...

So did you get the fries or not???? It is like a mystery store and you left off the end. LOL.