Sunday, February 17, 2008


Have you ever been doing something...maybe sitting around doing nothing...and suddenly you start to remember something from your past? In this case, a particular place you've been (and maybe long to be again). I mention this because I often find myself daydreaming back to places I've been and I can vividly see the place in my mind. I can recall nearlly every detail but most intersting to me is that I see the place as though I am there at that moment. It's always a place I have been and a place that holds good, fun memories. And maybe it is where I long to be at that moment because when this happens I am almost surprised at how I feel at that moment thinking of the place. To be honest, the place I see myself most is usually somewhere in/around Branson. And it's not at some show. It's usually on one of the roads of rolling hills with the windows down and sunny skies~without a care in the world. I find it especially amusing seeing myself there because for years my mom often suggested Branson as a trip destination and I'd blow her off because the reputation the town had as a 'senior destination'. Plus I never really recalled much about the one trip we made in the early 80's--nothing had stood out in my mind. And then in 2002, something changed. Out of the blue I suggested Branson-maybe it was destiny stepping in. We went....we went back....and we spent a few days of our final time together there. It became almost a magical place for me. The fresh air, the slower pace, the beauty. I think it's why I find myself drawn back and continue to go. When I'm there I feel as though I don't have a care in the world other than where I might eat or just how I will fill my days. There are no deadlines, no responsibilities.

I bring all this up because as I sit here contemplating all to be done today and the time slipping away from me, my mind drifted back to a trip in fall of 2005 when I went to Corsicana and then over to Lufkin for a few days (the picture above was taken on one of the roads between the two). As I thought of this trip I could vividly see details....the roads, the hotel, the sunshine. But as mentioned, this is not the first time I've had such vivd memories and true they often are of Branson. Wish I were there now....
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