Monday, January 26, 2009

I admit...

I seriously considered going to work today--even though I had planned for a day off. I even gave it a second thought when I woke at 6:30a--thought about what I could wear. That lasted about a second and I decided staying home would be the better thing to do.

Lucky me, I seem to have acquired the upper respiratory crap everyone else has dealt with the last couple of weeks. And just my luck, I get it the weekend I'm in Galveston. By yesterday my voice was nearly gone and today it's still a bit scrathcy--nice and raspy like a three-pack a day smoker. At least I only feel like it was a Pinto that side-swiped me when last night it was more like I'd been hit full on by a mack truck. So I'll try to take it somewhat easy today...maybe do a few things around here....maybe, hopefully scrap a little...and make a run to the chiro this afternoon.

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