Thursday, January 01, 2009

Welcome 2009

It's been rather laid back around here. I went to Vicki's and buried Willy last night and then we drank wine and ate dinner. I got home a little before 10p and wasn't sure I'd make it till midnight! I actually went to bed and just after texting several people at midnight, I rolled over and went to sleep!

I had big aspirations of getting up fairly early and ended up sleeping till just after 7a--can't do that tomorrow. Got dressed and went for breakfast with friends--they fed the white girl(me) menudo and lingua. Okay so I went for the broth and the hominy in the menudo and only had one tiny piece of lingua and while it's not something I think I'd do on a regular basis I did enjoy it and would do it again. It was a fun morning with good friends and lots of laughter. A great way to start the new year.

I came home with the intention of getting some things done around here and maybe making a run to Hobby Lobby but I made the mistake of laying across my bed and next thing I knew it was 4pm. Since most places will close early and I do have things to get done I will just enjoy the rest of the evening and try doing a few things around here. Tomorrow it's back to work...of course then it's the weekend!!

I can hit Hobby Lobby on Saturday after the cooking class at Williams Sonoma--cooking with cast iron. Maybe I'll actually learn something!

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