Monday, March 30, 2009

Going to Austin...

There's a meeting in Austin Thursday and I just got the go-ahead to go since I'm not requesting any travel reimbursement. (We're trying to scrape together funds to attend the national conference this summer in San Antonio so we're being careful with our spending.) I've been wanting to visit Elsa and this is perfect. I have a place to stay and just have to attend one little meeting...I would have had the travel expense anyway to just visit. I'll have to come back Saturday since Lynsey's wedding is Sunday--but I can live with that. Now to get a million things done so I can leave after work on Wednesday (since the meeting starts at 8a Thursday)...and I won't be home tomorrow night since I'm attending the Employee Banquet...only my second in ten years of working there.


Unknown said...

have fun.

Timmy said...

has it really been 10 years?!