Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Happenings...

I admit to being quite lazy thus far. But isn't that what time off is about; taking it easy. I slept in and it was wonderful. Thus far I've just been puttering around not really doing any one thing.

I've surfed the net a bit--checked out hoping it would motivate me to get started around here. I had forgotten I wanted to schedule a massage--that's at 4p. I have managed to clean one side of the kitchen counters and throw a pizza in the oven for lunch.

So what if I accomplish little to nothing. I only have me to please. I am contemplating rearranging living room furniture a bit. Haven't quite commited yet and now it will have to wait till I return from my massage at the earliest. Somehow it seems strange; going for a massage then working after. Oh well.

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