Sunday, March 07, 2010

Forced downtime...

It's been a weekend of forced downtime thanks to a nasty bout of steroids. I somehow managed to function Wednesday and Thursday but have been down for the count since. I stayed home Friday...spent the majority of the day in bed and was back in bed by 7:30p that evening.

I had grand illusions of making some sort of progress over the weekend but can't say I see much of any. I'm doing my best to not eat everything in sight and accomplishing nothing to boot. I've spent a great deal of time in the recliner. I forced myself out to the store this morning and I'm sure the people around me wondered about the walking dead because everything was a fog. I even somehow managed to make decent food choices!--yep, passed up the cookies, the chocolates, the ice cream and opted for grapes. My worst choice today would probably really only be the chocolate iced donuts for breakfast and those are few and far between--don't remember the last time I had them prior to today. Had a sensible sandwich and some chips for lunch and have some chicken cooking now. I do confess to baking a cake but it still sits untouched...

It's been an internal struggle but I have finally convinced myself that I need to get in to see my dr tomorrow. Not sure than he can or will do anything but at least I'll know I've shared the ugly truth with him. I'm not happy with the current state of events but at the same time I only have me to rely on and must do what I must. I just want to feel normal again....

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