Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's gettin ugly.....

It's been 25 years since high school....and we are talking reunion. Okay actually we've been talking reunion for some time. Hashing out ideas of what could be done...where to hold a gathering, etc. Of course we've established a ticket price and have been soliciting our classmates to purchase tickets. (Which if you are a classmate you can get your tickets at

IN the interest of cost, we have settled on Barbara's home for the location. She lives in a beautiful, gated community in spring. She has a spacious backyard where she has hosted weddings....and her husband is a fantastic cook who has agreed to cook for us. We have been asking for comments, concerns, suggestions, help, and of course money for a while now.

Here on the horizon of the payment deadline (March 31) with the reunion just around the corner (May 1), there is grumbling from a group of classmates who feel the event should be held at a hotel and are basically stating they will guarantee payment once the event is moved. Where the hell were these people months ago when we began soliciting ideas and help? Someone has gone so far as to send a nasty-gram to the host residence complaining about the intended festivities, the cost and even making snide comments regarding the health of an individual---and the person doesn't even have the cajones to sign their name (which to me says a great deal of the character of that person)!

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