Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Two Down!!

Another day behind me...and it was a trying, long one.....

Finally heard from dr's office....neutralizing antibodies not elevated enough for alarm at this point...so continue with current med and by my appointment in May he'll have something figured out and we'll discuss more. Maybe something else for fatigue but no answer just yet there...and in the meantime I am tired, tired, tired.....(and someone asked if maybe it's because I'm not drinking as much caffiene--huh??)

Saw the eye dr.....I can switch to bifocals or continue doing as I have and wear my cheaters to read-yes it will cause some eye strain but shouldn't be any major permanent damage. I guess I just need to suck it up and get accustomed to the prescription glasses. I'm not ready for bifocals mainly because I have enough balance and walking issues that adding the adjustment to bifocals could prove detrimental to me (nausea, falling down, etc...) I love my eye dr-even if he does tell me everything is due to my age! (He's been with me on the MS journey too...checking, re-checking, etc. I swear I think he holds his breath every time he looks in my eyes concerned that he's going to see something...)

Work was trying cause well...it's work. So many changes coming at us from the Feds and so much to be done. I'm a bit overwhelmed to the point I'm not ever certain where to start at times. I took a few minutes to jot down some notes earlier so maybe that will help me focus tomorrow. I also had a high school night tonight....initially scheduled for tonight....was told it was cancelled then called that it was indeed scheduled.....bossman headed to the board meeting (to be recognized!) and I headed to the high school. Had a nice family to work with...just wish the high school would turn on the AC in the lab!

Tomorrow the car goes to the mechanic for AC work...cause I cannot survive without it! I have a freon leak somewhere....so Ronnie will put on his investigative hat and try to resolve that issue. I'm just hoping it doesn't cost a small fortune which it probably will because AC work is ALWAYS expensive...and it's actually the labor that costs so much. I'll also have the added expense of renting a car so he can have mine for a couple of days and I won't have to rely on someone to to get me where I need to be (work) and I won't feel so helpless with no transportation. It's going to be okay...because I refuse to believe otherwise!

Once the AC work is done and the car's had a once over if I have any money left I just might try to plan some sort of little get-away. Heaven knows I could use it!

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