Saturday, December 15, 2007

Holiday Break: Day One

How wonderful it was to sleep in this morning even though I did wake around 6ish and had to remind myself it's Saturday and that I could sleep in. Willy crawled in bed and stretched out beside me (yes, he stretches out) around 8ish. Lately he wants to lie right beside me on the edge of the bed after which he'll proceed to either place a paw on my hand or rest his head on my hand-goofy cat.

After a few strange dreams, I decided to open my eyes and finally crawl out of bed around 9:30. I grabbed a quick Whataburger breakfast (I am addicted to the honey butter chicken biscuits) then started the dish washer and laundry. Not sure what got into me but so far I've managed to fold an overflowing basket of clothes that have been sitting on the dryer for heaven knows how long, do two loads of laundry and I've even started my Christmas cards. And it's not even noon!

The thought crossed my mind that maybe I should keep track of the things I manage to get done over break so at the end I'm not looking back wondering how the hell I wasted two and a half weeks. And I have quite a list of things I want and need to get done. Seems I'm off to a decent start--I just have to keep it up!

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