Friday, December 28, 2007

Super Duper LAZY...

That pretty well describes me of late. I do admit to getting out the day after Christmas--yes, I'm nuts. Had lunch with Robin and shopped for calendars at Bookstop. On the way home I stopped by some friends and we played board games till nearly 10p--so much fun. Thursday I went in to the office but only stayed a short while--the wax fumes and lack of heat were a bit too much. Since then I've done pretty much nothing--I'm blaming it on the wax fumes.

So much for my grand ideas to get my place overhauled. I can say for certain I hardly lifted a finger to do anything. Now I still have four days before reality returns but I'm thinking I really don't want to spend that time homebound, cleaning. Chalk it up to my mother who was always up for getting out and doing stuff rather than sitting at home. And suddenly I have lots of ideas of how to spend the last few precious days of freedom---see a movie or two, go to the museum, check out some of my old haunts. No telling what I'll get into before Wednesday!

On a side note: flipping channels last night I came across a political debate on one of the cspan stations. This is not something I would normally watch but this was a debate between the 'lesser known candidates' people who don't have a shot in hell at ever being elected dog catcher, much less president. So with it being a trainwreck, I couldn't help but watch. Where the hell did these inbreds come from? I was really intrigued by one of them so naturally, I googled him...Michael's apparent from looking at this guy he has some sort of medical issue going on and I don't want to make fun of someone for such a thing BUT...check out this guys site and read some of his discourse...I could only laugh at it. There's one part where he lists 'updates' of his you would think someone running for a major office would be writing about various issues but not this guy--he basically writes that he has nothing to write! He's nearly 60 and lives with his mom and talks about his few friends which mainly consists of neighbors. I'm telling ya, it was like a trainwreck and I just couldn't look away. Good for a laugh. Bored?? Goggle the guy and read his stuff...oh and be certain to check out the pictures! LOL

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