Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hobby Lobby Finds...

So on my last day of break I decided to venture out for a bit and my first stop was Hobby Lobby since they have a huge 50% off sale on many items. I picked up these cute stamps (50% off) and these cute little baskets (30% off) for miscellaneous items on my drafting table.

After Hobby Lobby I decided to pop into Kohls where I must have tried on a ton of things that surprisingly all fit. The problem is that I didn't like the way any of it fit. So that saved me what could have been a ton of money. After Kohls I felt the need to drive into Sugar Land for some odd reason where I popped into Macys. Nothing caught my eye there. I strolled through Penneys where again, nothing jumped out at me. I decided at that point it was time to return home.
Perhaps a pedicure before the end of the afternoon/evening? Certainly a trip to HEB for cat food. I still need to make a run to WalMart but have decided to wait till the end of school zone time. I doubt I'll go for the pedi--don't need one all that badly at the moment and that's $27 I can spend somewhere else!

Tomorrow it's back to work. Getting out of bed when that alarm goes off is going to be a killer. But I take delight in the fact that it's only for three days and then I get a weekend. And I'm making it a long weekend by taking Monday off.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl. You are on a hot streak. Not spending that is. LOL