Saturday, March 08, 2008

Some progress...

Despite a slow start, I feel I am making at least a little progress. I probably would be further along if I hadn't decided to run to Target this morning.

That quick trip to Target turned into most of the day. I stopped by Hobby Lobby-ran into Joey and Ruben. After Hobby Lobby and since it was near noon I stopped at Dickey's BBQ for an early lunch then headed to Target. Sixty bucks later I decided to cross the river and head into Sugar Land because I somehow managed to run out of cat food so I needed to run by PetsMart. It's a bit more expensive but they carry flavors that Willy likes that I can't find here in the sticks.

Before PetsMart however I felt the need (read want but I'm sticking to my story) to go by Macy's. Just my luck I ended up with three shirts I really, really liked so naturally I had to bring them home. :) I walked over to Barnes and Noble but contained myself and didn't buy anything there. I happened to be there just in time to hear the Elkins High School Orchestra--nice. So I left the culture and drooled my way through Williams Sonoma before heading back to my car and the much needed trip to PetsMart. After PetsMart I decided to check out World Market. I found a couple of things that interested me but once again I showed restraint and left empty-handed. (Afterall, I'd already spent enough between Target and Macy's.)

So anyway I got home and decided to tackle the spare bedroom/scrap room. This is going to quite a task and not one that can be accomplished in one evening--probably not even one day. I can now however, see more of the floor than I've seen in some time. I've picked up a bit and things are a bit more tidy. Still can't quite get to the drafting table but the possibility of doing so should soon be reality. I got the new bookcase put together and put in it's spot which means I can put away a few more things. Oh and I've started a load of laundry.

There are a few domestic things I would still like to tackle in the morning but I think after that I'm going to spend the day playing will all my scrap goodies.

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