Friday, November 07, 2008

Catching Up....

Though my eyes are still a bit heavy I'll try to catch up on my 'grateful blogging':

November 3: Grateful to have arrived at my destination safe and sound and ready for some fun and relaxation

November 4: Many thanks to my mother for my sense of adventure and even a bit of wanderlust. She always told me if there was something I wanted to do not to wait around for someone else but to embark on the adventure on my own otherwise I'd always be waiting and miss out.

November 5 Thankful to live in a land where I am free and can do as I choose.

November 6: (Cheese warning....)Ever so thankful for the finding my way back to the Oak Ridge Boys and their music. Go ahead, roll your eyes (you know you want to) but my feelings go deeper than just admiration for a music group. I don't speak much of religion cause it's a private thing for me but I am ever so grateful the Lord led me back to the Oaks. And it does sound a bit cheesy but they came back into my life giving me something I'd been missing. They brought a message of hope and peace. Little did I know it was going to be the last year or so of mom's life. They gave us something to do together. They brought me friendships that would help me through the difficult times after her passing. They gave me their friendship. No longer the pie-eyed girl watching figures larger than life (at the time) from the top of the Astrodome...I now call these gentlemen friends. I've had the great fortune of being able to spend time talking with each about things that really matter not just superficial pleasantries. I've had them show concern for me (thanks to Richard for the chat the other night). So cheesy as it may sound, I am thankful for the Oak Ridge Boys.

November 7: Grateful for the ability to take a few days off to go and do whatever I choose and to have the means to do so. I am by no stretch of the imagination wealthy and I can certainly benefit from budgeting but I am able to pretty much do whatever I want, when I want. I often hear mom's voice Do you want it?....Get it......maybe not always the best advice but it's served me well.

So I believe that now catches me up!!!

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