Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trying to motivate myself...

Wow...I look at the calendar and see there are only 15 more work days before Christmas break and actually only 14 for me since I'll be out of the office at a workshop tomorrow. Of course, even though we're off for nearly three weeks (one day shy of to be exact--yes we go back to work on a Friday!) I'll be working a day or two over the break to make certain we don't start the new year too far behind. But I digress....

I am thinking of all the things I need/want to get accomplished (making gifts, etc) and know I have to got to get my rear in gear!! I have been procrastinating finishing up the book from my recent trip. I think about it almost constantly but never seem to muster the energy to sit and work on it. Tonight that is on my list--especially since it's Schwans pizza for dinner and the fact that I actually printed pictures. Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LIST what a beautiful thing.