Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Instant Gratification and Excess....

Why is it we see something and we feel we must have it and usually sooner rather than later??? It seems (at least maybe to me) that is caused--at least partly--by the shift in society and attitudes. We feel we have to have the newest, biggest, brightest, best whatever. Our friend/neighbor/coworker/family member/rival has it so we must as well and we need bigger/better/more expensive than them. People have gone away from saving/waiting/working for what they want. And it is a case of want. And like everyone, I am guilty too. The thought of going back to basics seems appealing but could I (or anyone else for that matter) handle it? With the current economic conditions perhaps we will see a shift take place but, can the leopard really change its spots?

...ok, off my political/philosophical soapbox and back to wanting the My Minds Eye Christmas papers I just saw!!!!

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