Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another day of fun....yeah, right....

What more fun way to start the day is there other than a brain scan? Specifically being trapped in a machine for twenty minutes with your head in a cage and told to keep your head still. Thus my comment below about how it sucked and I never want to have to do that again!

Next stop, forty minutes at the doctor's office for a nerve conduction study that took all of about three minutes-if that. I swear it took longer to take off my knee highs and shoes and then put them back on than it did for the test. Oh and that was a barrel of laughs. In case you've never had it done here's what happens. The guy puts an eletrode on one foot or ankle and after a second or two you feel an electric impulse--which on my right foot seemed rather strong. In fact I told him do it again and I'd kick the snot out of him. Now the other foot. Next one hand and finally the other. Somewhat like a doctor checking your reflexes with that little rubber hammer only stronger with electricity. Then he tells me I have carpal tunnel.....DUH, ya think?!?!? Hell, who doesn't these days. Not the initial reason for seeing a neurologist so it makes me think of mom and her comments about doctors ordering test just to split some fees.

Okay that done so I'm off to work. What an adventure that's been since trying to write is damn near an exercise in futility and today so is typing because I keep hitting wrong keys. The perils of one hand being asleep. And my right side really doesn't want to play along today which means even more fun. I just want to scream: ENOUGH ALREADY!! Oh and let's not forget the fun of my right toes wanting to curl up to the point I can't keep my shoe on when I walk. Climbing the stairs to get inside was fun--I lost my shoe about four steps up and had to start over.

I keep hoping the worst is behind me and that things will start to ease. That walking will become easier instead of an increasing challenge. This is another reason I opted to not go to Austin. I hope the MRI results will be negative for anything major and be available to the doctor on Thusday morning (since I got the appointment moved up). I hope by the weekend I'm starting to bounce back to normal for me.

The blessings are that I do have friends who will help me. I do have people that care about me. The copay-at least for the MRI-was managable (the radiologist may be another story).

And on a fun note: I listen to a radio station out of Branson on the net at work. Today during the lunch hour requests I emailed the dj and he played Ozark Mountain Jubilee and sent it out special to me in Texas.


Kim said...

Hang in there, Merry! You're in my prayers!

Unknown said...

We are thinking of you and keeping positive thoughts. Stay tough girlfriend