Thursday, April 17, 2008

Still No Answers....

So I dragged myself out of bed and to the office today and it was quite an effort. But I did it. I wasn't there long when I made the decision about seeing a neurologist so I called about that. Naturally they couldn't see me till next week but I got them to agree to work me in. I was told it could take up the two hours but thankfully it didn't.

The neurologist is a woman who seems very nice and was patient and took time to really listen. After a few questions I went through the whole battery of in office tests (again) to check for stroke----and she even seemed a bit surprised they turned out positive. She looked at my blood work and told me I'm healthy, only in my 40s with no risk factors so it shouldn't be stroke but the only way to rule it out for certain is with a brain scan. Thus, she's ordered a brain scan to rule out stroke, tumor and MS. And I'm freaking out cause the soonest it can be done is Tuesday. She's also ordered a nerve test on my hands. So now I wait and pray that there is some break in all the things I've been experiencing.

I had an eye appointment scheduled for today so I kept it and Keith (the doc) was glad I did. He was genuienly concerned about finding something when he looked in my eyes after I told him my dilemma. I think he was relieved as I was--maybe more--that he didn't see anything. Granted it's only good at that moment in time but still considering I was experiencing all the symptoms when I was with him and my eyes were clear has to be a good sign. I'm really touched that he does care...he even hugged me before I left. And of course as I knew, my prescription has changed but he wants me to wait till after the brain scan before I get new glasses--makes sense to me.

So that's my week thus far....too many doctors, too many copays, too many symptoms, too much worry, too little answers....


Timmy said...

you've obviously been on my mind because you were in a dream last night.

I went to your office which but instead of it being in Wharton, it was off of the jacksboro hwy. in ft. worth...sort of on the northside of town.

the office was being remodeled and richard was in a mood and wasn't happy to see me. he kept asking you what I was doing there and you told him I was doing loan counseling for the students but it was going to be about 4 hours before the first presentation.

he huffed and gave both of us look and told me to leave you alone so you could get work done. LOL

Unknown said...

You hang in and keep positive thoughts. I am.